BEA Cross-Boundary Wealth Management Connect (Southbound)
Powering Investments from a local perspective
The Bank of East Asia Limited (“BEA”) launches the Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect (“WMC”) services – Southbound. Residents of mainland GBA cities can invest in eligible investment products distributed by BEA by opening designated investment accounts with BEA.
*If an investor simultaneously selects both a bank and a licensed corporation for investment under WMC Southbound Scheme, the individual investor quota allocated between the bank and the licensed corporation will each be RMB 1.5 million.
(Terms and conditions apply. For details please refer to the below.)
1 Including Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Foshan, Zhaoqing, Jiangmen, Dongguan, and Huizhou.
2 The Mainland partner bank refers to The Bank of East Asia (China) Limited ("BEACN") which is our cooperating bank in Chinese Mainland for BEA GBA Wealth Management Connect Services. BEACN is not authorised institutions as defined in the Hong Kong Banking Ordinance and are not subject to the supervision of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. BEACN cannot carry on any banking business or business of taking deposits in Hong Kong. Any deposits maintained with BEACN is not protected under the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.
Important Notes:
The above is factual information about WMC, which does not constitute any solicitation, recommendation, or active marketing. Regarding the regulation on WMC, please refer to the announcements of regulators in Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland. Please read our Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect (Southbound) Notice Relating to Wealth Management Connect SupremeGold Accounts before you proceed to open WMC account.
All investments involve risks. The information and materials contained in this website are intended solely for informational purposes and does not constitute an offer, solicitation, invitation, or advice to subscribe to any securities or investment products.