The Bank of East Asia

Insurance, MPF & Trust


  1. BEA (MPF) Master Trust Scheme, BEA (MPF) Value Scheme and BEA (MPF) Industry Scheme (collectively “BEA MPF”) offer different Constituent Funds (i) investing in one or more approved pooled investment funds and/or approved index-tracking funds which invest in equities or bonds; or (ii) making direct investments. Each Constituent Fund has a different risk profile.
  2. The BEA (MPF) Conservative Fund under BEA (MPF) Master Trust Scheme, BEA MPF Conservative Fund under BEA (MPF) Value Scheme and BEA (Industry Scheme) MPF Conservative Fund under BEA (MPF) Industry Scheme do not provide any guarantee of the repayment of capital.
  3. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before investing in the MPF default investment strategy (“DIS”). You should note that the BEA (MPF) Core Accumulation Fund and the BEA (MPF) Age 65 Plus Fund under BEA (MPF) Master Trust Scheme; the BEA Core Accumulation Fund and the BEA Age 65 Plus Fund under BEA (MPF) Value Scheme; and the BEA (Industry Scheme) Core Accumulation Fund and the BEA (Industry Scheme) Age 65 Plus Fund under BEA (MPF) Industry Scheme (collectively the “DIS Funds”) may not be suitable for you, and there may be a risk mismatch between the DIS Funds and your risk profile (the resulting portfolio risk may be greater than your risk preference). You should seek financial and/or professional advice if you are in doubt as to whether the DIS is suitable for you, and make the investment decision most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.
  4. You should note that the implementation of the DIS may have an impact on your MPF investments and accrued benefits. You should consult with the Trustee if you have doubts on how you are being affected.
  5. Investment involves risks. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. In your selection of Constituent Funds, if you are in doubt as to whether a certain Constituent Fund is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek financial and/or professional advice and choose the Constituent Fund(s) most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.
  6. You should not invest based on this website alone. Investments inherently involve risk and the unit prices of the constituent funds may go down as well as up. Past performance of the constituent funds is not indicative of future performance. For further details including the product features, fees and charges, and the risk factors involved, please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure of the relevant scheme.
  7. Important - If you are in doubt about the meaning or effect of the contents of the MPF Scheme Brochure, you should seek independent professional advice.
I have read and understood

Default Investment Strategy


1. What is Default Investment Strategy (“DIS”)?

DIS is a ready-made investment arrangement mainly designed for those MPF scheme members who are not interested or do not wish to make an investment choice, and is also available as an investment choice itself for Members who find it suitable for their own circumstances. Members who do not wish to choose an investment option do not have to do so. For those Members who do not make an investment choice, their contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another scheme will be invested in accordance with the DIS. The DIS is required by law to be offered in every MPF scheme and is designed to be substantially similar in all MPF schemes.

    The DIS consists of two constituent funds:
  • Core Accumulation Fund (“CAF”): invest around 60% in higher risk assets (higher risk assets generally mean equities or similar investments) and 40% in lower risk assets (lower risk assets generally mean bonds or similar investments) of its net asset value.
  • Age 65 Plus Fund (“A65F”): invest around 20% in higher risk assets and 80% in lower risk assets.
    The DIS will take effect on 1st April, 2017 (“DIS Commencement Date”).
Main Features of DIS
How does DIS affect you?
Do you need to do anything?
Please pay attention to the issuance schedule of DIS Re-Investment Notice (“DRN”)!

2. Other Useful Information

DIS Pre-Implementation Notice to Participating Employers and Members (“DPN”) and Other Information
MPF Scheme Brochure
Forms & Member Enrolment after the DIS Commencement Date
The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (“MPFA”) Publications

BEA MPF strongly recommends members to read the above documents carefully.


3. Enquiry


MPF Administration Centre

  32nd Floor, BEA Tower, Millennium City 5,
  418 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong,
  Kowloon, Hong Kong
  Service Hours : Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m.     
      (Except Public Holiday)


BEA (MPF) Hotline

(Operated by Bank of East Asia (Trustees) Limited)

  Tel:   (852) 2211 1777
  Facsimile:   (852) 3608 6003
  Service Hours:   Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
      Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
      (Except Public Holiday)