The Bank of East Asia

Investment Services

BEA Securities User Manuals


 BEA Securities App User Manual
       BEA Securities Services APP User Manual
      “BEA SmarTrade” Mobile APP User Manual
BEA Online – Stock Trading Platform User Manual


“BEA SmarTrade” Online Trading Platform User Manual

Cyberbanking - Stock Trading Platform User Manual

 Automated Phone Service Overview

Automated Phone Service Overview

 Risk Disclosure

Investment involves risks. The prices of securities may move up or down, and they may even become valueless. There is an inherent risk that you may incur loss may be incurred rather than gain a profit gained as a result of buying and selling securities. You should read the relevant Risk Disclosure Statement and relevant documents before making any investment decision.

Information contained herein is for reference only. It does not constitute any offer, solicitation, or recommendation for the purchase or sale of any investment products or the provision of investment services.