The Bank of East Asia

Insurance, MPF & Trust


Investment Corner


Market Snapshot UPDATE


View & Learn UPDATE


Investment Knowledge UPDATE


Tools & Calculator

Market Snapshot


  BEA Wise (3rd Quarter of 2024) (Extracted) (22ndJuly, 2024)

   (The article is available in Chinese only.)



Historical Information  

Important Information for Customers  

View & Learn

  • Market Outlook for 3rd quarter of 2024

  • Market Outlook for 2nd quarter of 2024

  • Market Outlook for 1st quarter of 2024



Historical Information  

Important Information for Customers  

Investment Knowledge


(The articles are available in Chinese only.) 


Important Information for Customers  

Tools & Calculator

 Retirement Calculator
Retirement Calculator

This "Retirement Calculator" assists you in calculating the amount you need for retirement, helping you plan for your future



 Retirement Calculator
Risk Tolerance Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Everyone has their own investment comfort zone and the challenge is to strike a balance among the various investments that will satisfy your personal circumstances. To help you find out more about your investment style, we have created this straightforward risk tolerance self-assessment test. By considering your personal circumstances, financial status, attitude towards investment, and certain objective factors which reflect your tolerance to risk, you may discover more about your investment needs.