Refer to an account in a scheme which is mainly used to receive the benefits transferred from another contribution or personal account. Tick this box means you wish to transfer your MPF accrued benefits from a personal account to BEA MPF
Refer to an account of a self-employed person in a scheme which is mainly used to receive MPF contributions made by himself while self-employed. Tick this box means you wish to transfer your MPF accrued benefits from a self-employed person’s account to BEA MPF
Refer to an account in a scheme which is mainly used to receive MPF contributions (both employer and employee portions) made by a former employer for an employee and on behalf of the employee. Tick this box means you wish to transfer your MPF accrued benefits attributable to former employment from a contribution account after cessation of employment to BEA MPF
Refer to an account in a scheme which is mainly used to receive MPF contributions (both employer and employee portions) made by an employer for an employee and on behalf of the employee. Tick this box means you wish to transfer your MPF accrued benefits from a contribution account in current employment and / or attributable to former employment to BEA MPF