The Bank of East Asia

Wholesale Banking

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Table of Contents
(Updated: 13thFebruary, 2025)
  1. General
  2. Functions
  3. Security
  4. One-time Password
  5. Troubleshooting
  6. Login
  7. Scam Prevention Alert (Scameter)
1. General
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How do we get started with BEA Corporate Online ("BCO")?
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You can complete an online application or call BEA Corporate Express (2211 1868) for enquiries and to book an appointment to open BEA Corporate Online at a designated Business Centre. Please click here for the details.

How, when, and where can we use BEA Corporate Online?
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You access BEA Corporate Online at any time and from anywhere as long as you have internet access and the recommended hardware, software, and browsers.

What types of account can we access through BEA Corporate Online?
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Once you’ve opened a CorporatePlus account or a Current/Saving account with BEA Corporate Online, you can access the following account types according to your request:

  • CorporatePlus accounts
  • Current accounts
  • Multi-currency statement savings accounts
  • Time deposit accounts
  • HKD savings accounts
  • Foreign currency savings accounts
What is the service charge for BEA Corporate Online?
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BEA Corporate Online is free of charge aside from transaction fees for designated services (including transfers). Please note that charges and annual fees may apply for additional services. For a list of charges, please refer to our Bank Charges by clicking here.

How can we change our online daily transaction limit?
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The daily transaction limit is the maximum withdrawal limit per day for BEA Corporate Online.

Authorised Person or System Administrator can submit an online instruction to increase your company’s daily transaction limit, and approve by an Authorised Person with a pre-defined signing arrangement. Once the instruction is fully approved, it will be effective at 6 a.m. on the next calendar date.

If you submit an online instruction to decrease your company’s daily transaction limit, this can be approved by an Authorised Person or System Administrator with a pre-defined signing arrangement. Once the instruction is fully approved, it will be effective immediately.

You can also increase your daily transaction limit by submitting the “Change of Related Information under BEA Corporate Online (BCO06)” form to any of our branches.

Is there any maximum daily limit for transactions through BEA Corporate Online?
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Yes. The table below shows the maximum daily transfer limit allowed through BEA Corporate Online. You are advised to set up daily transaction limits for each type of transaction according to your company’s needs when opening your BEA Corporate Online account.

Transfer to Maximum amount allowed per day
(HKD equivalent)
Own Account (Related and Associated Account) Unlimited
Pre-designated Third Party Account and Bill Payments $10,000,000
Non-designated Third Party Account $1,000,000
Payroll and Autopay $3,000,000
Payroll and Autopay Deposit Limit (Per Account Per Day) $3,000,000


The amount of each foreign exchange transaction cannot be greater than HK$5 million or its equivalent (bank charges excluded).

A new "Cross-Border Sub-Limit only" with the default limit as per your existing limit under the existing "Fund Transfer & Remittance" limit for both local and cross border fund transfer. Your existing limit set for pre-designated/non-designated third party accounts will not be affected.

How do we define approval matrix for online transactions?
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Online transactions are classified into four categories:

  • Administrative Transactions (High Risk)
  • Administrative Transactions (Low Risk)
  • Transaction for Related Account(s) or Associated Account(s)
  • Transaction Related to Third Party Account(s)
  • Transaction Related to Payroll

You can define an approval matrix (for each category) when you open a BEA Corporate Online or by submitting the “Change of Related Information under BEA Corporate Online (BCO06)” form at one of our branches.

What transactions are included in the five transaction categories (see Q1.7)?
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Categories Transactions
Administrative Transactions (High Risk)
  • User Management
  • User Status - Reactivate
  • Online Banking Access - Revoke
  • User Accounts and Services Access
  • Open API Flag Service - Set Up
  • Revoke Consent to Third Party Service Provider
  • Account Consent Management
  • Manage Beneficiaries (Add)
  • Increase Daily Transaction Limits
  • E-Statement/E-Advice – Account Preference Setting
Administrative Transactions (Low Risk)
  • View and/or Decrease Daily Transaction Limit
  • FPS Addressing
  • Manage Beneficiaries (Delete)
Transaction for Related Account(s) or Associated Account(s)
  • Transfer to own accounts
  • Time Deposit Placement
  • Time Deposit Uplift
  • Time Deposit – Edit Maturity Instructions
  • Cheque Book Request
  • Stop Cheque
  • Request Statement
Transaction Related to Third Party Account(s)
  • Transfer to Non-designated Account - BEA(China)/BEA(HK)/Local Payments/Overseas Payments
  • Transfer to Pre-designated Account - BEA(China)/BEA(HK)/Local Payments/Overseas Payments
  • Bill Payment
  • e-Direct Debit Authorisation
Transaction Related to Payroll Autopay/Payroll/Collection
Why can’t I find the sub-accounts (e.g. HKD Current Account, Statement Savings Account, USD Current Account) of All-in-one Account in BEA Corporate Online?
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After opening a new sub-account under the existing All-in-one Account, please re-map the All-in-one Account through User Accounts & Services Access after one working day.

What could be the reason(s) for experiencing a lack of response, receiving an error message, or encountering a blank screen after entering my account number, username and PIN on BEA Corporate Online login page and clicking “Login”?
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BEA Corporate Online periodically undergoes maintenance and updates. If you encounter any of these issues, we recommend clearing your browser cache to eliminate any outdated web files that may be causing the problem.

The procedure for clearing the cache is as follows:

Open Microsoft Edge*,

1. Click "Settings"

2. Select "Privacy, search, and services"

3. In the “Delete browsing data” section, click “Choose what to clear” under “Clear browsing data now”

4. Click “Clear now”

(* For other versions, please refer to the “Help” of the respective browser.)

2. Functions
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  • Fund Transfers
What types of transfer can be made?
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You can make the following transfers through BEA Corporate Online.

  • Fund Transfer to Related/Associated Account
  • Fund transfer to another BEA (HK) account
  • Fund transfer to another local bank
  • Fund transfer to BEA China
  • Fund transfer to China or overseas
What account types can Fund Transfers be debited from?
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You can debit Fund Transfers from the following account types:

  • Current accounts
  • Multi-currency statement savings accounts
  • HKD savings accounts
  • Foreign currency savings accounts
Will a fee be charged for fund transfers?
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Transfers to BEA (HK) accounts are free of charge. Please refer to our Bank Charges for other transfer types.

Are there any restrictions on transferring funds to BEA China accounts?
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Fund transfers to BEA China accounts can only be made in Hong Kong dollars, Renminbi or US dollars. For the service hours, please click here for details.

Are there any restrictions on transferring funds to other local bank accounts?
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Fund transfers to other local bank accounts can be made through the Faster Payment System (FPS) and CHATS. Fund transfers to other local bank accounts can only be made in Hong Kong dollars or renminbi through the Faster Payment System (FPS). Therefore, the receiving bank account must be a HKD or CNY account. In addition, transaction amounts over HKD5,000,000 or CNY1,000,000 will be made through CHATS.

You are required to input the merchant information (e.g. Bill reference number) if the receiving proxy ID is a FPS merchant.

And the CHATS can transfer funds in Hong Kong dollars, Renminbi or US dollars.

Are there any restrictions on transferring funds through CHATS?
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Fund transfers to other local bank accounts can only be made in Hong Kong dollars, renminbi, or US dollars. Therefore, the receiving bank account must be a HKD, CNY, or USD account. In addition, fund transfers can only be made during service hours on a working day, i.e. Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

How do we register a third-party beneficiary’s details as a Designated Account to make fund transfers to them as a low risk transaction?
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One of your Authorised Persons needs to log in to BEA Corporate Online and use the “Manage Beneficiaries” function to register the third party beneficiary. Once the instruction is fully approved, it will be effective at 6 a.m. on the next calendar date. Alternatively, you can fill in Form BCO06, which you can find in the “Pre-designated Third Party Account(s)” section.

What do we need to know about transferring funds overseas?
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To make an overseas fund transfer, you need to provide the beneficiary’s bank or SWIFT BIC code, and enter their account name and address. .

For the service hours, please click here for details. .

Please click here for more information about fund transfer to overseas.

What is a SWIFT BIC?
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SWIFT refers to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. A SWIFT BIC is a Bank Identifier Code (8 or 11 alphanumeric characters) used in interbank telecommunication to ensure transfers can reach the correct receiving bank.

What should I pay attention to when submitting a real-time fund transfer instruction via BEA Corporate Online?
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When you conduct a real-time fund transfer via BEA Corporate Online, you should verify the payment details, including recipient’s name, account number and amount carefully, before submitting your instruction.

You cannot cancel or stop the real-time fund transfer once you have confirmed it.

Besides, when you input the recipient’s account number for fund transfer to other bank, you are required to input the recipient’s name.

What is Inward Remittance Overview?
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Inward Remittance Overview support Incoming T/T and Incoming CHATS instant transaction status enquiry. Service support previous 2 years history checking.

What is Scheduled Payment Instruction Inquiries?
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The service support customer to enquiry the scheduled instruction status and submit the cancel instruction request to bank. Customer can submit the cancel instruction one day before the transaction execution date through the same inquiry function.

What is Payment Tracking Services?
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Payment Tracking Services support outward T/T and outward CHATS instant transaction status enquiry. Service support previous 124 days history checking.

What is the minimum/maximum amount for an FX transaction?
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The minimum transaction limit for each transfer involving foreign currency exchange is HK$1,000 and the maximum is HK$5,000,000 (or equivalent).

  • e-Statements / e-Advice
What is the e-Statement service?
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E-Statements are electronic statement including transaction record and balance in your account statements in PDF format. You can view and download them through BEA Corporate Online.

What is the e-Advice service?
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The e-Advice service are online notifications about particular types of account instruction or transaction update.

Is there any charge for using the e-Statement/e-Advice services?
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No. These services are free of charge.

What is the format of e-Statements/e-Advice?
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All e-Statements/e-Advice notifications are in Portable Data Format (“PDF”), which is supported by most internet browsers. You will need to have Acrobat Reader (version 6.0 or above) installed on your computer to view the e-Statements/e-Advice notifications.

How can I identify an authentic e-Statement from BEA?
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Every e-Statement in PDF format will be signed by a digital certificate from BEA to verify the e-Statement's authenticity and integrity. To validate the digital signature of the Bank, you need to download BEA's digital certificate to your Acrobat Reader. The procedure is as follows

Step 1:

Click on the Signatures tab on the left-hand side of your Acrobat Reader. The signature details will then be displayed.

Step 2:

Right click "Signature2, Signed by BEA Digital Certificate for e-Statement" of the signature details. A pop-up menu will be displayed. Select "Properties" in the menu. A Signature Properties window will appear.

Step 3:

After verifying that this document is signed by BEA, click "Trust Identity" under "Additional Information".

Step 4:

A certificate security alert pop-up window will be displayed. Click "OK" to confirm that you have verified the identity of the certificate.

Step 5:

Now proceed to import the certificate into your Acrobat Reader by clicking on the Import button. A few seconds later, an import complete message will be shown. Click "OK" to complete the download certificate procedure.

Step 6:

Upon completing Step 5, next time when you open a e-Statement, click on the Signatures tab on the left-hand side of your Acrobat Reader. It will show that "Signature is valid" to indicate the e-Statement is signed by a digital certificate from BEA.

When will we receive our e-Statements?
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You will receive your e-Statements two working days after they are issued. You can see the issuance date on your bank account statement.

For which account types are e-Statements available?
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E-statements are currently available for the following accounts:

  • HKD current accounts
  • USD current accounts
  • CNY current accounts
  • Statement savings accounts
  • Time deposit accounts
  • CorporatePlus accounts
Will my company receive both paper statements and e-Statements?
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Your Authorised Person(s) can choose either “Paper Statements and e-Statements” or “e-Statements only” by going to “e-Statement/Advice Services -> Account Preference Settings”. You can update statement and advice delivery preference, register company email address to receive alert or notification anytime. Update of settings will take effect starting from your next statement cycle.

We encourage you to choose “e-Statements only’ to help save the environment. You will also save the monthly fee for paper statements. Please refer to Bank charges for details of the paper statement fee.

How long will past e-Statements be retained?
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Through BEA Corporate Online, you can search for, view, and download e-Statements of a registered account from up to seven years in the past.

Will there be a notification when the e-statements are generated?
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Yes. You can receive a notification by email or SMS and/or in your BEA Corporate Online inbox. Please see our Alert Subscriptions user guide to learn how to set up your preferences through BEA Corporate Online.

How long will e-Advices be retained?
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You can search for, view, and download available e-Advice notifications (availability subject to account and product types) from two years in the past.

What types of e-Advice are available?
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Currently we are offering e-advice for below fund transfer types:

  • Fund transfers from or to other local banks
  • Fund transfers from or to China and overseas
How do we view or download e-Statements or e-Advice notifications?
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Please refer to our Statement and Advice user guide.

  • Faster Payment System (“FPS”) Addressing Service
What is the FPS Addressing Service?
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This service allows you to setting your BEA account as default / one of recipient banks to receive money from a contact by privately sharing with them your mobile phone number, email address, and/or FPS ID. Meanwhile, your bank account information remains secure and confidential.

To use this service, you must first register the mobile phone number / email address with the bank, then link following proxy IDs to a designated account:

  • Mobile phone number
  • Email address
  • FPS ID (This unique identifier is generated by Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited and enables you to receive money.)
How can we activate the FPS Addressing Service?
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Please refer to our FPS Addressing Service user guide.

How many accounts can we link to a Proxy ID?
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You can link one Proxy ID to either one HKD or one CNY bank account.

What type of account can we link to a Proxy ID?
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  • CorporatePlus accounts
  • Current accounts
  • Multi-currency statement savings accounts
Can we change the default account for our Proxy ID?
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Yes. You can change your default account through BEA Corporate Online.

Will we receive a notification for registering a proxy ID?
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Yes. An email notification will be sent once you have registered a proxy ID.

When will our proxy ID be effective?
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Your Proxy ID will be effective immediately after registration. After that, you can use your Proxy ID to receive money to your BEA account.

  • Open API
What is the Open API service?
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Application programming interface (“API”) is a computer programming approach for facilitating exchange of information and executing instructions between different computer systems. Open API allows banks to provide infrastructure for programmatic access by third-party service providers (“TSPs”) in an open and documented manner. Implementation of Open API enables information of different banks’ products and services to be aggregated under the same website/application for easy comparison and financial planning by users. BEA has been providing its Open API (Phase 1 and 2) to TSPs since January 2019.

BEA launched its Open API (Phase 3) for Corporate and SME Accounts in December 2022. Customers can grant and revoke their consent for users to access their specified BEA accounts’ information through the websites or mobile apps provided by eligible TSP partners of the Bank.

For more information, please visit Open API.

  • Foreign Exchange (“FX”)
What is the FX Watchlist?
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Our FX Watchlist function enables you to monitor the shifts and trends in TT exchange rates for your selected list of currency pairs.

You can choose up to eight currency pairs for your personalised watchlist.

What are FX Rate Alerts?
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The FX Rate Alert function sends you an alert if and when your target rate is reached within a set period. You can set up to 5 alerts for a monitoring period of up to 30 days. Each rate alert will expire once it is triggered or its monitoring period ends.

The service is free of charge.

What is the minimum/maximum amount for an FX transaction?
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The minimum transaction limit for each transfer involving foreign currency exchange is HK$1,000 and the maximum is HK$5,000,000 (or equivalent).

What is the daily maximum limit for FX?
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The daily transaction limit for foreign currency exchange depends on the type of transfer and transaction daily limit.

  • Bill Payments
What are the services offered under "Bill Payments"?
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  • Make online payments to EPSCO merchants inclusive of utilities, telephone, government organisations, educational institutions and many more
  • Search and view Bill Payment history
  • Cancel Scheduled Bill Payment instructions
Which daily withdrawal limit applies to Bill Payments transactions?
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The daily withdrawal limit called "To pre-designated 3rd party account (BEA and other banks)" will apply to all bill payment transactions.

What is the daily payment limit and transaction count limit of each bill?
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The daily payment limit and transaction count limit of each bill is set by the respective merchant. Please contact the relevant merchant directly for further information.

Does the same set of payment settings apply to all merchants?
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No. Payment settings such as daily minimum or maximum payment amount, transaction count and bill type may vary, subject to the request of merchants.

Do I need to have sufficient fund in my account when I make a Bill Payment transaction?
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Please allow sufficient funds and ensure normal status of the bank account you selected as a withdrawal account to process all bill payment instructions on the selected execution date.

Is it guaranteed that my bill payments will be paid successfully after I got the “Reference Number” or the "Sent to Bank"/"Confirmed" status?
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No. The “Reference Number” or "Sent to Bank"/"Confirmed" status only indicates that your bill payment instruction is setup successfully. However, it cannot confirm the the delivery time of the payment to the merchant's account. You are advised to check with the relevant merchant for details. To avoid late payment charges, please refer to the guideline(s) published by the relevant merchants or be sure to allow for sufficient processing time when scheduling the instruction through the Bank.

What are high risk merchants for Bill Payments?
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Merchants which do not belong to following categories are considered as High Risk Merchants:
Government or Statutory Organisation; Public Utility; Primary or Secondary Education; Post-secondary or Specialised Education

  • Autopay, Payroll and Collection
What will be the charge for Payroll and Autopay?
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Transfers to BEA (HK) accounts are free of charge. Please refer to our Bank Charges for other transfer types.

Why the file upload function does not work?
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Your Authorized Person needs to setup the User File Identifier Mapping to new user before file upload. Please refer to our user guide.

Where can we get the MAS software?
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Please go to BEA website under Autopay, Payroll and Collection to download the latest release of MAS.

  • e-Direct Debit Authorisation
What is “e-Direct Debit Authorisation”? Are there any restrictions on it?
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Customer can setup instructions to make automatic payments to organisation / merchant, reply to the request raised by organization / merchant and manage the authorized eDDA instruction. Currently, e-Direct Debit Authorisation can be made in Hong Kong dollars.

  • Scheduled Instructions
When will I receive reminder for scheduled instruction?
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You may receive an email reminder under the following situations:

  • 3 calendar days before the execution of a scheduled instruction (No email reminder will be issued if the difference between the scheduled instruction setup and execution date is less than 3 calendar days.)
  • Immediately following the initiation/revision/deletion of a scheduled instruction
  • Favourites
How can I save the completed transactions for future use?
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Transfers, Bill Payments, Autopay, Payroll and Collection transactions with “Favourites” features, by which you can save the transaction details for future use without entering the transaction details.

Applicable for “Single Authorisation” Signing Arrangement

You can click on “Add to Favourites” after approving the transaction to add the transaction details to Favourites.

Applicable for “Dual-Control Authorisation” Signing Arrangement

You can click on “Add to Favourites” after initiating the transaction to add the transaction details to Favourites.

3. Security
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How do we log in to the BEA Corporate Online safely?
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You can safely log in to BEA Corporate Online by visiting BEA’s homepage at

Please DO NOT click on any URLs or hyperlinks embedded in an email or SMS to access our Bank's website, or log in to BEA Corporate Online through such links with unknown sources.

Please make sure the computers you use to access BEA Corporate Online are secure (e.g. ensure the versions of your operating system and browsers are up-to-date, and install and update security software) and avoid using public computers or public Wi-Fi to access BEA Corporate Online.

Beware of any unusual login screen or message that asks you to provide additional personal information. If your device's network/traffic is unusually slow, you should log out BEA Corporate Online immediately and scan your device with the most up-to-date version of your virus protection software.

Log out immediately after use.

Never disclose your login ID and password to others, and never allow anyone else to use your login ID and password.

Important: BEA will never ask you for your PIN by email or phone. Also, customers will never be asked for any personal information by email, e.g. their name, account number, password, etc. For further information, please contact our Customer Service Hotline on (852) 2211 1321.

What is the format for passwords for BEA Corporate Online?
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Your password must contain 8 - 16 alphanumeric characters, use a combination of numbers (0 - 9) and letters (a - z and A - Z). Do not use your identity card number, telephone number, date of birth, driving license number, or any commonplace number sequence (such as 987654 or 123456) when choosing your password.

Will we receive notification for account transactions through BEA Corporate Online?
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Yes. You will receive an email and SMS notification when a fund transfer is made to a non-designated account. The email notification will send to approver email address and company email address. The SMS notification will send to mobile phone number of approvers. When you receive this kind of notification, please verify the accuracy of the transaction details promptly and inform BEA immediately of anything suspicious.

What should we do if we suspect an unauthorised transactions in any of our accounts under BEA Corporate Online?
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Please call our 24-hour Customer Service Hotline (852) 2211 1333 immediately or visit any BEA branch. For suspicious transactions, please complete a Report Suspicious Transactions Form.

How am I banking through BEA Corporate Online safely?
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BEA Corporate Online offers 8 types of security measures to safeguard your financial information:

1. Personal Identification Number ("PIN")

You can log in to BEA Corporate Online using your CorporatePlus account number/ Current account number/ Saving account number/ CCB Login Account Number(after upgrade to BCO), username, and login PIN.

2. Last Login Time

You can also view your previous login date/time after successfully logging in to BEA Corporate Online.

3. Automatic Exit

To help prevent unauthorised access, a BEA Corporate Online session will automatically expire once it has been idle for 10 minutes.

4. Regular Change PIN Reminders

Users are asked to change their PINs every 90 days. When creating a new PIN, a user cannot re-use the old PIN.

5. Transport Layer Security ("TLS") Encryption

TLS is an international and proven standard employed to ensure secure transmission of information. All information transmitted between your computer and the Bank through the internet is encrypted.

6. Alerts on High-risk Online Transactions

BEA Corporate Online will alert you by email and/or SMS whenever a high-risk transaction is completed online, such as transferring funds to an unregistered third-party account. Please ensure that the following transaction details shown in the email/SMS are the same as your instruction:

  • BEA Identity Message
  • Transaction amount
  • Beneficiary account

7. Two-factor Authentication for High-risk Online Transactions

High-risk online transactions need to be signed using two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication is an authentication mechanism that increases online security by using two separate factors to verify your identity: something you know (e.g. your user ID and password) and something you have (e.g. your mobile device where you receive a one-time password). You must have a valid email address and/or phone number on record for the relevant BEA Corporate Online account. Please ensure that your details are up-to-date at all times, and contact your Authorised Person(s) if you need assistance.

8. Daily Withdrawal Limit Reset

The daily withdrawal limit for fund transfers conducted through your BEA Corporate Online to non-designated third-party accounts will be reset to zero if you have not conducted such a transaction through BEA Corporate Online for 18 consecutive months.

Where can we obtain more security tips about BEA Corporate Online?
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Please visit our Security Tips page for more information by clicking here.

Why are there some prefilled / suggested entries when I enter data in some fields such as account number, PIN, transaction amount, etc.?
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Some of the latest versions of internet browsers have special features, such as "Autofill" in Microsoft Edge, that can save previous entries you have made for web addresses, forms, passwords, etc. Therefore, when you type similar information in one of these fields, a dropdown list with possible matches will be automatically available for selection.

To prevent unauthorised use of your account, you are recommended to disable this kind of feature in your browser, such as Personal info, Passwords, Payment info under Profiles in Settings of Edge. You may also lock your computer/laptop by using power-on passwords, etc.

4. One-time Password ("OTP")
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What is an OTP?
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An OTP is a SMS-based password generated by our Bank and sent to your registered mobile phone number as an additional form of identity authentication. An OTP enables you to perform designated transactions through BEA Corporate Online. OTPs for performing designated transactions will expire after 100 seconds.

You must ensure that the following transaction details shown in the SMS are the same as your instruction before entering the OTP:

  • Transaction amount
  • Last five digits of the deposit account/bill number
  • Total number of transactions (only applies when signing multiple transactions)

Remarks: SMS messages with OTPs cannot be forwarded to any other phone number, even if you have enabled the "SMS Forwarding" service provided by mobile phone service providers in Hong Kong.

How do I register/change my mobile phone number to receive OTPs if I am an existing Approver?
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Ask your Authorised Person(s) to register/change your mobile phone number through BEA Corporate Online.

Please refer to the Authorised Person(s) – Corporate User Creation & Maintenance and User Accounts & Services Access user guide.

When would we need an OTP for BEA Corporate Online?
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An OTP will be required when you sign or access the following transactions/services:

  • High-risk Administrative Transactions
  • Fund transfers and remittances to non-registered third-party accounts
  • Scheduled instructions of the transaction types listed above and other transactions/services that will be added from time to time as announced by our bank.
  • Bill Payments - High-Risk Merchant. Please refer to Q2.6.7.
When I am abroad, can I still receive an SMS OTP to complete my instruction submitted through BEA Corporate Online?
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Yes. When you travel to Mainland China/overseas, please activate your roaming service on your mobile phone to ensure you can receive the SMS OTPs to complete the instructions submitted through BEA Corporate Online. If you are using an overseas mobile service providers, the service provider may not support receipt of international SMS messages. Please consult your telecommunication service provider for details.

5. Troubleshooting
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Who should we call if I have any queries or difficulties using BEA Corporate Online?
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You can contact any BEA branch or call our enquiry hotline on (852) 2211 1321 during service hours.

The service hours (Hong Kong time) of the hotline are:
Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

For phone numbers and addresses of our branches, please visit our website.

Who should I call if I cannot access BEA Corporate Online after correctly entering my login details and PIN?
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Please call our hotline on (852) 2211 1321 during service hours.

What should we do if we encounter technical problems when using BEA Corporate Online?
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If you encounter technical problems when using our service, please call our hotline on (852) 2211 1321 during service hours.

What hardware and software are recommended for BEA Corporate Online?
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Please refer to our System Requirements for more details.

What should we do if a page/action button on BEA Corporate Online does not display or displayed incorrectly?
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Please press “Shift” + “F5” buttons on your keyboard to refresh the webpage. If you still encounter the problems, please call our hotline on (852) 2211 1321 during service hours for assistance.

How can we change our “Company Email Address” on BEA Corporate Online?
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Please download the “Notification for Change of Customer Information and/or Address for Corporate Customers GF463” form. Simply complete the form and submit it in person at any of our branches.

Why is my browser's normal toolbar missing?
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For security reasons, the normal toolbar of the browser will not appear in the BEA Corporate Online.

Can I select multiple transactions to approve or reject in one go?
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“Approver” can select up to 10 transactions (except FX transactions) under the same tab of “Pending Approvals” and click “Approve” or “Reject” button to proceed the multiple transaction approvals. Please be reminded that “Approver” must review every transaction details by clicking the transaction reference no. hyperlink on the “Approval Comment” or “Rejection Comment” window.

Are all types of transactions supported for multiple transaction approvals?
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No. The FX related transactions (please refer to “FX indicator” column) and transactions that need to be approved by “Authorised Person” or “System Administrator” can only be approved individually.

Will the selected transactions be all approved or rejected successfully after multiple transaction approvals?
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No. After multiple transaction approvals, the selected transactions are submitted to further proceed. However, they can have different statuses. It is suggested to check the latest status under “My Approved List”.

Why the selected transactions still remain at “Pending Approvals” after multiple transaction approvals?
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This happen because “Approver” may not have the access to approve or reject the transaction, or “Approver” may approve or reject them during non-service hours, or it is in system enhancement. It is suggested to check with your company’s “Authorised Person” on the access right setting or retry later during service hour.

6. Login
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What do we need to do before we can activate or reset our Personal Identification Number (“PIN”) through BEA Corporate Online?
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Before you can change your password settings online, your company must first complete the following steps for security purposes:

  1. Assign at least one Authorised Person with a registered mobile phone number to receive one-time passwords (OTPs) for authentication requests from BEA Corporate Online, and
  2. Register a valid company email address and mailing address
What are Activation code, Login PIN, Signer PIN, & Phone PIN?
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Login PIN is the PIN used to login BEA Corporate Online. You can change your PIN after login.

Signer PIN is the PIN used to authenticate transactions. You can change your PIN after login.

Phone PIN is the PIN used for Phone Banking.

“Activation Code” is printed in the PIN Acknowledgement letter to activate your PIN(s). To activate, please refer to Section 1 on Quick Start Guide.

How do we activate a new PIN online?
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For details of the procedure, please refer to Section 1 on Quick Start Guide.

Where can we find the “Activation Code” to activate our new PIN?
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Your “Activation Code” is printed in the top right corner of the PIN Acknowledgement Letter.

What is “Request Reset PIN”?
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“Request Reset PIN” can only be done by Authorised Person(s) for resetting all (or selected) login PINs and signer PINs in one-go.

For details, please click here.

What is “Forgot Login PIN”?
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“Forgot Login PIN” can be done by any user who can reset their login PIN by answering security questions.

What are steps for Authorised Person(s) to reset PIN(s)?
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The process to “Request reset PIN” is as follows:

Your Authorised Person(s) can reset PIN online, please click “Request Reset PIN” under < BEA Corporate Online> on the main login page. Once you have submitted the relevant information, our customer services officer will contact you within two business days to verify your application. After the verification process is complete, the relevant PIN and PIN Acknowledgement Letter will be mailed to your company’s mailing address. If you request that the PIN and PIN Acknowledgement Letter be delivered by DHL, the DHL services charges will be debited from your relevant account.

For any urgent PIN reset request, your Authorised Person(s) can visit any of our branch to request new PIN(s).

What should we do if our PIN Acknowledgement Letter is lost?
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Your Authorised Person(s) can visit any of our branches to request a reprint of the PIN Acknowledgement Letter. Alternatively, you can choose to use the “Request reset PIN” function online, as long as you remember registered username(s) (as stated in account opening form / BCO application form).

Our company is a new customer. What should we do if we have not received our PIN Acknowledgement Letter and PIN?
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Under normal circumstances, the PIN Acknowledgement Letter and PIN will be mailed to you within around six business days after the account is opened. If you do not received the PIN Acknowledgement Letter and PIN after that time, the Authorised Person(s) of your company can visit any of our branches to request a new PIN. Alternatively, you can choose to use the “Request reset PIN” function online, as long as you remember registered username(s) (as stated in account opening form / BCO application form).

What should I do if I forgot my User ID / Username?
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Please call our hotline on (852) 2211 1321 during service hours.

7. Scam Prevention Alert (Scameter)
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If I find my payee’s FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number is being flagged by the high risk alert, how can I remove it?
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The high risk alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports and recorded in the Scameter of the Hong Kong Police Force. Please contact them at if you think the FPS proxy IDs / bank account numbers / SVF account numbers are not tagged correctly or if you think there is an error with the information/alert.

Will Bank / SVF operator be able to help to remove my FPS proxy IDs / bank account numbers / SVF account numbers from the high risk alert?
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No, the Bank / SVF operator cannot do the deletion. The high risk alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports and recorded in the Scameter of the Hong Kong Police Force. Please contact them at if you think the proxy IDs / account numbers are not tagged correctly or if you think there is an error with the information/alert.

If I want to report a suspicious FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number, what should I do?
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The high risk alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports and recorded in the Scameter of the Hong Kong Police Force. If you suspect a crime case has occurred, please call “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” hotline for assistance. If you suspect that you have fallen prey to a scam, please report to the Hong Kong Police Force at a police station or via Hong Kong Police Force e-Report Centre ( or

If there is no high risk alert message relating to my payee, does it guarantee it is safe to transfer to him/her?
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No, it is not guaranteed. The alert message will only be shown if the payee’s FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number is included in the scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. If there has not been any report to the Police against a particular FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number, the proxy ID / account number will not be included in the high risk alert.

You are advised to always verify the payment details (including the payee’s identity) of every single transaction before making payment.

Why is my payee’s FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number previously not tagged in the high risk alert but now being tagged?
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The FPS proxy IDs / bank account number / SVF account number flagged as "High Risk" in Scameter and included in the high risk alert are based on information collected from scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. If there has not been any report to the Police against a particular FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number, the proxy ID / account number will not be included in the high risk alert.

What is the source of the high risk alert and how is my private information being protected?
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The high risk alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports and recorded in the Scameter of the Hong Kong Police Force. Please visit the webpage of Scameter ( for more details.

Why I found my FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number being shown as the high risk alert when doing transfer? I did not commit any crime!
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According to the record provided by the Hong Kong Police Force, your FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number is related to a scam report. Please contact them at if you think the FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number is not tagged correctly.

I discovered my payee's mobile number / account number has been flagged in Scameter. How come the bank / SVF operator did not alert me when I now try to make payment to this FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number?
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The high risk alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force and updated from time to time on a daily basis. Please check again that the payee is trustworthy before you proceed with the transaction.

I discovered my payee's mobile number / account number has been flagged in Scameter. How come the bank / SVF operator did not alert me when I previously made payment to this FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number?
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The FPS proxy IDs flagged as "High Risk" in Scameter and included in the high risk alert are based on information collected from scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. If there has not been any report to the Police against a particular proxy ID / account number, the proxy ID / account number will not be included in the high risk alert.

How would I know if my payee’s mobile number / email address / FPS Identifier / bank account / SVF account is flagged for high risk alert?
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You can check Scameter ( to see if it is flagged as “High Risk”. When performing a transaction with use of FPS proxy ID (i.e. mobile number, email address, or FPS Identifier) / bank account / SVF account via internet banking / mobile banking app / SVF app/ bank counter/ ATM, the Bank / SVF will display a high risk alert message for those FPS proxy IDs / bank accounts / SVF accounts flagged in the scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. You are advised not to make any transactions to the payee unless you have carefully verified the payee’s identity and ensure that the payee is trustworthy.

If I confirm to the bank to proceed with a transfer with FPS proxy ID (i.e. mobile number/email address/FPS Identifier) / bank account / SVF account flagged as “High Risk” and subsequently realize being scammed, what should I do?
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If you suspect you have been scammed, you may visit a police station or the Hong Kong Police Force e-Report Centre ( or to file a report. In tandem, please report the case to the Bank.

If a payee’s mobile number is flagged as “High Risk”, will his/her email address / FPS Identifier / bank account number / SVF account number also be flagged by the high risk alert?
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The FPS proxy IDs / bank account number / SVF account number flagged as "High Risk" in Scameter and included in the high risk alert are based on information collected from scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. If there has not been any report to the Police against a particular FPS proxy ID / account number, the proxy ID / account number will not be included in the high risk alert.

Can I confirm and accept the high risk alert message and make transfer to the FPS proxy ID / bank account number / SVF account number on the high risk alert?
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Yes, you can, but please be reminded that the transaction has high risk of fraud. You are advised to always verify the payment details (including the payee’s identity) of every single transaction before making payment.