The Bank of East Asia

Wholesale Banking

sticky button
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  • Overview BEA accounts balance and details
  • View and download transactions history and records
  • Initiate transaction or update settings and track approval status
  • Approve or reject transaction request with comments
e-Statement and e-Advice
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  • View and download issued e-Statement within past 7 years
  • View and download issued e-Advice within past 2 years
  • Request up-to-date paper or e-Statement (ad-hoc)
  • Set statement delivery preference (paper statement or e-Statement)
Fund Transfer
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  • Transfer between own BEA accounts
  • Transfer to other BEA HK accounts
  • Transfer to other local bank accounts
  • Transfer to BEA China accounts
e-Direct Debit Authorisation
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  • Set up new e-Direct Debit Authorisation instruction
  • Enquiry and manage existing e-Direct Debit Authorisation instruction
  • Response to merchant's / organization's e-Direct Debit Authorisation request
Autopay, Payroll and Collection
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  • Set up Autopay, initiate collection instructions or make payroll instructions by entering the information directly or uploading files (MAS or CSV file)
  • View and enquire about Autopay, Payroll and Collection instructions

  • Download MAS new release

Notes: The MAS download version is for BCO file upload only.

  • Download ECP new release
Bill Payments
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  • Make direct online payments to various merchants
  • Search and view Bill Payment History
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  • Transfer to overseas account (TT)
  • Support FX exchange and fund transfer in 12 major currencies
  • View details for inward remittance (CHATS & TT)
  • View and track outward payment (CHATS & TT) status and progress (SWIFT gpi)
Payment instruction tracking, amendment and management
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  • Register/Amend FPS account addressing setting
  • Add/Delete/View future payment instruction
  • Add/Delete/View designated beneficiary
  • Save payment details as template for repeated use
  • Receive SMS/Email alert notification for fund transacted to non-designated account
  • Receive SMS/Email incoming fund alert notification
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  • Request cheque books
  • Stop cheques
  • Inquire cheque status
Time Deposit
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  • New time deposit placement
  • New call deposit placement
  • View time deposit transaction history
  • Inquire time deposit details
  • Edit maturity instruction before maturity
  • Uplift time deposit on maturity date
FX Dashboard
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  • Real time FX rate quote
  • FX Watchlist - customize target currencies to view latest rate trend
  • FX Rate Alert - set to receive SMS/Email alert when target FX rate is reached
  • FX Calculator
General user self-service services
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  • View own transaction and activity log
Notifications and marketing
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  • Subscribe email reminder when new statement/advice ready for viewing
  • e-Alert (SMS/email) self-subscription
  • Inbox – receive and view bank’s notification or promotion in mailbox after login
Log in and PIN
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  • Set security questions
  • Change login PIN
  • Change signer PIN
  • Reset login PIN via security questions
System and User Administration
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  • Create and maintain User profiles
Company Information Update
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  • Update the company’s address and/or contact information
Authorisation Settings
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  • Create Maker/System Administrator
  • Temporary suspend/resume User access
  • Permanently revoke User access
  • Assign, delete or view account and service access right for Users
  • View, initiate and approve increase or decrease of daily transaction limit
Management Control
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  • Monitor Users’ activities in audit log
  • Activate User’s login PIN/signer PIN
  • Request reset login PIN/signer PIN/phone PIN for Users
  • Enquire available services, authorization matrix and company information
Open API
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  • Set up Open API service
  • Manage third party service provider consent
Other general service
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  • Multiple transaction approvals
  • Download application/maintenance form
  • Support bilingual interface and operation in English/Traditional and Simplified Chinese