The Bank of East Asia

Insurance, MPF & Trust

Life Insurance - Savings and Retirement Income

Underwritten by AIA International Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)

Plan a brighter future with flexible multi-currency options

Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 offers up to 9 currency options so you may harness global opportunities and create the future for your family by building your wealth with potentially greater returns.


Enhanced Currency Exchange Option For You To Gain Global Advantages

Enjoy long-term wealth accumulation and pass your legacy onto future generations while achieving financial freedom for you and your loved ones 

In a new era where people are ever more connected around the world, you need a well-curated wealth planning solution that helps you seize the opportunities not only locally, but globally. Whether you are funding your children’s education overseas or to start life afresh overseas for personal pursuit or retirement, the flexibility of access to global currencies is crucial.
Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 adds extra flexibility into the Currency Exchange Option which is exercisable from the end of the 2nd policy year, giving you a head start to keep pace with global opportunities to meet your evolving wealth planning needs.  


Broaden your global vision for new possibilities




1. Source: and media news. A survey on overseas education expenditure conducted by GfK, which was commissioned by AIA (data collection date: April 2022)
2. Source: Hong Kong Education Bureau, “Secondary 6 Students’ Pathway Survey” for 2019 to 2022 (data collection: June 2023)
3. Source: AIA commissioned market research company KANTAR to conduct “Hong Kong and Macau Segmentation Study 2021”
4. Source: The 13th AIA Desired Retirement Tracker 2021
5. Source: A research into cost of living for 2023 to rank 207 cities in 120 countries and territories around the world. (data collection date: June 2023)
6. Source: (media news: March 2023)

Plan Highlights

Seize global opportunities and achieve your life goals


Smart financing with funding flexibility


Allocate your assets seamlessly with a holistic suite of legacy planning tools


*As of 15 September 2023, compared with savings insurance products provided by Hong Kong major insurance companies.
^ Bonus Unlock Option was pioneered by AIA in the Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 2 on 5 October 2022.
For more details of the above product features, please refer to “Cover at a glance” in this brochure.


Achieve long-term wealth accumulation with potentially competitive returns

(The following example is hypothetical and for illustrative purposes and reference only. Actual bonuses are not guaranteed and are declared at AIA’s sole discretion, and are subject to the terms of the policy.)

The potential returns you can enjoy if you choose USD as the policy currency with a 5-year premium payment:



Up to 9 policy currency options for diversified planning

Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 is a participating whole-life insurance plan under the Global Power Series. It covers the entire lifespan of the insured (who is being protected under the policy). You can select from up to 9 currencies at the time of policy application, which include Renminbi (RMB), British pound sterling (GBP), US dollar (US$), Australian dollar (AUD), Canadian dollar (CAD), HK dollar (HK$), Macau pataca (MOP; only for policies issued in Macau), Euro (EUR) and Singapore dollar (SGD), each may offer different policy returns.


Currency Exchange Option exercisable from the end of the 2nd policy year for extra flexibility

We understand that global opportunities are evolving. To give you a head-start with enhanced flexibility, starting from the end of the 2nd policy year and thereafter within 30 days after the end of each policy year, through the Currency Exchange Option, you can change the policy currency to another currency as listed above.

There will be no changes to the current policy effective date and the policy values will be recalculated and continue to accumulate based on the return of the new policy currency, so you can capture opportunities more flexibly in the dynamic world to meet your financial goals.

For more details on the Currency Exchange Option, please refer to “Cover at a glance” and “Key Product Risks” in this brochure.


Accumulate wealth with 4 premium payment term options

Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 can help you achieve guaranteed and potential gains. To suit your long-term wealth accumulation needs and your budget, you can choose a one-time premium payment term, a 3-year premium payment term (limited offer), a 5-year premium payment term or a 10-year premium payment term to help meet your different financial goals.
The plan helps accumulate wealth by offering guaranteed cash value and starting from the end of the 3rd policy year, it declares the non-guaranteed Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus to your policy at least once per year.


Policy Split Option enables flexible asset allocation

After the end of the 3rd policy year or the end of the premium payment term, whichever is later, you can exercise the Policy Split Option according to your needs and transfer certain policy values from the current policy to a separate policy, splitting one policy into two. The current policy will continue to be effective with no change in effective date, and the policy effective date of the split policy will be the same as the current policy.

You can apply for a change of policy currency and change of insured after the policy is split. This flexibility allows you to allocate your assets strategically by holding multi-currency policies, helping to create the legacy you envision for the generations to come, or prepare funds to accomplish your goals at different life stages.


Bonus Lock-in Option and Bonus Unlock Option cater to your evolving financial needs

It is crucial to secure your hard-earned asset, especially when facing the uncertainty of the global market. Through the Bonus Lock-in Option, Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 enables you to realise potential returns by transferring the latest cash values of the Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus into a Bonus Lock-in Account to earn interest at a non-guaranteed rate. This is available once per policy year, after the end of the 15th policy year and within 30 days after the end of each policy year.
To provide flexibility for your financial needs throughout various life stages, you can withdraw cash from the Bonus Lock-in Account anytime without reducing the principal amount of your policy.

Bonus Unlock Option  [First-in-market^]

By exercising the Bonus Unlock Option, you can even unlock a certain amount of the latest value of the Bonus Lock-in Account as non-guaranteed Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus to suit your financial needs. This is available once per policy year, starting from 1 year after bonus lock-in and within 30 days after the end of each policy year.


Withdraw cash flexibly to fulfil your changing needs

With Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3, you can withdraw your policy values to make your visions a reality. To address your changing needs in the future, upon request, you can withdraw part of the guaranteed cash value and the non-guaranteed cash values of the Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus. However, this will reduce the future values of your policy. After withdrawal, the principal amount of the policy and the total premiums paid or one-time premium paid (as applicable) for the basic plan under the death benefit may be reduced.
Alternatively, you may choose to withdraw all cash values in the policy. Upon such withdrawal, you will receive the sum of the guaranteed cash value, non-guaranteed cash values of the Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus, and any remaining balance of the Bonus Lock-in Account (if applicable), and your policy will be terminated.
We will deduct all outstanding debt (if any) under the policy before we make any payments for your withdrawal.

^ Bonus Unlock Option was pioneered by AIA in the Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 2 on 5 October 2022.


Change of Insured Option and Contingent Insured Option add extra flexibility for you to pass on your legacy

During the lifetime of the current insured and after the end of the 1st policy year, the Change of Insured Option allows you to change the insured to another loved one as many times as you wish. That way, the value of your policy will not be affected and can be inherited by future generations, helping you pass on your wealth with ease.

With the Contingent Insured Option, during the lifetime of the current insured, you can designate one of your loved ones as the contingent insured. There is no limit on the number of times you can designate, modify or remove a contingent insured during the lifetime of the current insured. Upon the passing of the current insured, the contingent insured may become the new insured without affecting your policy values and your policy will continue to be effective, so as to safeguard your legacy for the generations to come.

Mental Incapacity Option gives your family extra peace of mind in the face of the unknown

Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 provides Mental Incapacity Option in case you will be suffering from a mental issue and may require funds for expenses. You may designate in advance the designated percentage of policy value and an aged 18 or above family member as a designated recipient. In the event you are diagnosed as a permanent mentally incapacitated person, upon our approval of the designated recipient’s application and subject to applicable laws and our prevailing rules and conditions, he/she may receive payment equal to your designated percentage of policy value.  After payment has been made under this option, any remaining policy value may continue to grow over time in the future. 
We will deduct all outstanding debt (if any) under the policy before we make any payment under this option.

Choose your settlement option to pass on your assets to future generations as you wish

If the insured passes away and no contingent insured becomes the new insured, we will pay the death benefit to the person whom you select in your policy as beneficiary.
To ease the financial burden of your loved ones during unforeseen challenges, Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 offers extra protection through an accidental death benefit. This is paid in addition to the death benefit if the insured passes away due to a covered accident within the first year of the policy.
Apart from a lump-sum payment, you can customise the Death Benefit Settlement Option while the insured is still alive so as to allow your beneficiary to receive the death benefit and accidental death benefit in regular instalments. You can select not only the benefit amounts to be paid for each instalment, but also the date of the first instalment payment of death benefit and accidental death benefit.

Rewards for academic excellence

To motivate the insured to strive for academic excellence, we will reward academic achievements by offering the Educational Merit Benefit. Once the policy has been in force for at least 1 year, if the insured obtains any one of the following achievements before the age of 25, Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 will pay the corresponding award amount while the policy is in force. The Educational Merit Benefit will only be payable once per life under all Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 policies.

Educational Merit Benefit

# If the policy is issued in a currency other than US$, the award amount would be available in the respective policy currency and the prevailing exchange rate will be used to calculate the above amounts.
^ The ranking is based on a source as determined by us from time to time. For the latest details, please visit


Extend grace period for premium payments

You may encounter an unexpected change that may cause an impact on your finances. Should one of the specified events happen to you during the premium payment term of the basic plan, you may claim for the Extension of Grace Period Benefit (not applicable to one-time premium payment). We will extend the grace period for late premium payment from 31 days to up to 365 days to give you extra financial flexibility while keeping the insured protected and the policy effective. For more details of this benefit, please refer to “Cover at a glance” in this brochure.

Add-on cover for extra protection

You may select an add-on plan, under which we will waive the future premiums for Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 (not applicable to one-time premium payment) if the insured becomes totally and permanently disabled before the age of 60, providing support in the face of unfortunate circumstances.
In addition, you may also select the Payor Benefit Rider. Should you pass away or suffer total and permanent disability before the age of 60, we will waive the future premiums for the basic plan until the insured reaches the age of 25.


Cover at a glance

Premium Payment Term


3-year (limited offer)



Insured’s Age at Application

15 days to age 80

15 days to age 75

15 days to age 70

Premium Payment Mode

Single premium

Annually / Semi-annually / Quarterly / Monthly

Benefit Term

Whole life

Policy Currency and Minimum One-time / Annual Premium































MOP (only for policies issued in Macau)















Principal Amount

For calculation of the premium and relevant policy values only and will not be payable as the death benefit.

Currency Exchange Option

The Currency Exchange Option allows you to change your policy currency to another currency selected by you (including Renminbi (RMB), British pound sterling   (GBP), US dollar (US$), Australian dollar (AUD), Canadian dollar (CAD), HK dollar (HK$), Macau pataca (MOP; only for policies issued in Macau), Euro (EUR) and Singapore dollar (SGD), by exchanging your plan (i.e. Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3) to the latest plan under the Global Power Series in your designated policy currency, while maintaining the policy duration and without requiring a medical examination.

Before you apply

  • From the end of the 2nd policy year onwards, you can choose to exercise the Currency Exchange Option within 30 days after the end of each policy This option can only be exercised once per policy year and is subject to our approval.
  • All outstanding debt (if any) in the policy must be settled before we approve your An application for exercising the Currency Exchange Option cannot be changed or withdrawn once it has been submitted.
  • The principal amount of the policy after the Currency Exchange Option is exercised must not be less than the minimum amount we permit at the time of your application for exercising the Currency Exchange


Once your application is approved

  • The currency of add-on plan(s) (if any) should be the same as the currency of the basic plan. If the existing add-on plan is not available in the new currency, the relevant add-on plan will be terminated when the application for exercising the Currency Exchange Option is approved.
  • The guaranteed and non-guaranteed policy values and any future premiums during and after exercising the Currency Exchange Option (i) will be determined and adjusted based on factors including but not limited to the prevailing market-based currency exchange rate (determined by us at our discretion), the investment yield and asset values of the existing and new underlying portfolio of assets, and/or the transactions from the existing to new assets, and (ii) may be lower or higher than the corresponding values before the exchange.

Please refer to “Key Product Risks” in this brochure for more details of related risks.

Policy Split Option

The Policy Split Option allows you to transfer certain policy values from the current policy to a separate policy (“Split Policy”) based on the split percentage requested by you while maintaining the policy duration and without requiring a medical examination.


Before you apply

  • From the later of the end of the 3rd policy year or the end of the premium payment term onwards, you can choose to exercise the Policy Split Option. This option can only be exercised once per policy year.
    • All outstanding debt (if any) in the policy must be settled before we approve your application. Also, there must not be any claims in progress under the policy when you apply for the Policy Split Option. An application for the Policy Split Option cannot be changed or withdrawn once it has been submitted.
    • The respective principal amount of both the current policy and the Split Policy after the Policy Split Option is exercised must not be less than the minimum amount we permit at the time of your application.
  • No cooling-off period will be applicable to the Split Policy.


Once your application is approved

  • The terms and conditions of the Split Policy will follow that of the current policy. You may request to change policy currency, ownership, insured, contingent insured and beneficiary as you wish, following our prevailing rules.
  • The guaranteed, non-guaranteed policy values and the balance of the Bonus Lock-in Account (if any) will be split according to the ratio of the principal amounts applicable to the current policy and the Split Policy.
  • The total premiums paid or one-time premium paid (as applicable) for the basic plan will be adjusted according to the new principal amounts of the current policy and the Split Policy, and will be used to calculate the death benefit.
  • Any previous instruction of Death Benefit Settlement Option will be kept under the current policy.
  • Any designation made under the Mental Incapacity Option will be kept under the current policy.


  • Educational Merit Benefit will only be payable once under the current policy, which is the original policy that you purchase with full premium payment (“Principal Policy”). Educational Merit Benefit will not be paid under any of the Split Policies.
  • The add-on plans (if any) will be kept under the current policy, subject to our prevailing rules and regulations.

Non-Guaranteed Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus

The following non-guaranteed bonuses will be declared to your policy at least once per year starting from the end of the 3rd policy year:

Reversionary Bonus

  • Non-guaranteed bonus that may be cashed out or left to accumulate in the
  • Face value forms a permanent addition to your policy once declared, and it is payable as part of the death benefit, according to the death benefit
  • Cash value is non-guaranteed and payable upon withdrawal, policy surrender or

Terminal Bonus

  • Non-cumulative, non-guaranteed bonus.
  • Amount valid until next declaration.
  • Amount in each declaration may be greater or less than the previous amount based on a number of factors, including but not limited to investment returns and general market volatility.
  • Face value is non-guaranteed and payable as part of the death benefit, according to the death benefit calculation.
  • Cash value is non-guaranteed and payable upon withdrawal, policy surrender or termination.

Bonus Lock-in Option

Within 30 days after the end of each policy year, starting from the end of the 15th policy year, you may apply to exercise the Bonus Lock-in Option once per policy year.

Transfer of Lock-in Amount

You can decide on what percentage of the non-guaranteed Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus to transfer, subject to the following rules:

  • The percentages of the Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus transferred into your Bonus Lock-in Account must be identical to each other.
  • The percentages cannot be less than 10% or more than 70% (minimum and maximum percentages are subject to our prevailing rules and regulations) and the Lock-in Amount is subject to a minimum amount that is determined by us from time to time.
  • The calculation of the Lock-in Amount is based on the latest cash value of the Reversionary Bonus and the latest cash value of the Terminal Bonus, after deducting all outstanding debt (if any) under the
  • Once the Lock-in Amount is transferred into the Bonus Lock-in Account, any Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus which we may declare as at the relevant policy year and in future will be reduced accordingly, thus reducing the future value of the policy.

Value of the Bonus Lock-in Account

  • Any balance in your Bonus Lock-in Account may accumulate interest at a non-guaranteed rate as determined by us from time to time.
  • Subject to rules and regulations prevailing at the time, you may withdraw cash from the Bonus Lock-in Account
  • Upon exercising the Currency Exchange Option, the value of the Bonus Lock-in Account will be converted to the new policy currency using the prevailing market exchange


First-in-market^ Bonus Unlock Option

Within 30 days after the end of each policy year, starting from 1 year after you have exercised the Bonus Lock-in Option, you may apply to exercise the Bonus Unlock Option once per policy year.

Transfer into the Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus

You can decide on a certain percentage of the latest value of the Bonus Lock-in Account to transfer as non-guaranteed Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus, subject to the following rules:


  • The percentage must be between 10% and 100% (minimum and maximum percentages are subject to our prevailing rules and regulations).
  • The calculation of the amount to be transferred as the Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus is based on the latest value of the Bonus Lock-in Account in effect as of the date of approval, after deducting all outstanding debt (if any) under the
  • The unlock amount is equal to the non-guaranteed cash values of Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus to be transferred upon unlock.
  • Once the unlock amount is transferred as the Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus, any Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus which we may declare as at the relevant policy year and in future will be adjusted. The unlock amount will be changed from guaranteed value in the Bonus Lock-in Account to non-guaranteed value as Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus.
  • The timing and frequency of exercising the Bonus Unlock Option may significantly affect the return of your policy. The unlocked part may be subject to the risk of higher investment return volatility whenever you exercise the Bonus Unlock Option.


^ Bonus Unlock Option was pioneered by AIA in the Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 2 on 5 October 2022.

Surrender Benefit

The surrender benefit will include:

  • guaranteed cash value; plus
  • non-guaranteed cash value of the Reversionary Bonus (if any); plus
  • non-guaranteed cash value of the Terminal Bonus (if any); plus
  • any remaining balance of the Bonus Lock-in Account (if applicable).

We will deduct all outstanding debt under the policy before we make the payment.

Change of Insured Option

You may exercise the change of insured under the Change of Insured Option as many times as you wish, subject to our approval.

At the time of applying to exercise the Change of Insured Option

  • You may opt to change the insured of the policy during the lifetime of the current insured and after the end of the 1st policy
    • You and the beneficiary must have insurable interest in the proposed new
  • The proposed new insured must be between 15 days and 60 years of age at the time of
  • No medical examination is required for the proposed new insured if the total annual premiums or one-time premium payment does not exceed the aggregate limit set for such insured, subject to our prevailing rules and

After the change of insured

  • All existing add-on plans will automatically terminate, except the Payor Benefit Rider (if any, where the waiver of premium has not commenced), which shall remain in force provided that the age of the proposed new insured is between 15 days and 17 years old at the time of application, while its premium may be adjusted in accordance with any different benefit term. Add-on plans may be re-applied for and your policy values will not be


Contingent Insured Option

You may exercise the change of contingent insured under the Contingent Insured Option as many times as you wish, subject to our approval.

At the time of designating the Contingent Insured

  • Subject to our approval, there is no limit on the number of times you can designate, modify or remove a contingent insured during the lifetime of the current
    • The proposed contingent insured must be between 15 days and 60 years of
    • You and the beneficiary must have insurable interest in the proposed contingent
  • There can only be one contingent insured per policy at any time during the benefit

Upon the passing of the current insured

  • You may opt to change the new insured of the policy to the contingent
  • The contingent insured must be age 60 or under to be eligible to become the new
  • No medical examination is required for the contingent insured if the total annual premiums or one-time premium payment does not exceed the aggregate limit set for such insured, subject to our prevailing rules and
  • The contingent insured needs to be approved to become the new insured within a year from the passing of the current insured, otherwise the death benefit as at the date of death of the insured will become payable to the

Upon the contingent insured becoming the new insured

  • All existing add-on plans will automatically terminate, except the Payor Benefit Rider (if any, where the waiver of premium has not commenced), which shall remain in force provided that the age of the contingent insured is between 15 days and 17 years old when the current insured passes away, while its premium may be adjusted in accordance with any different benefit term. Afterwards, add-on plans may be re-applied for and your policy values will not be
  • You may designate a new contingent insured afterwards.


Mental Incapacity Option

After the end of the 3rd policy year, you may designate in advance (i) an aged 18 or above family member as the designated recipient and (ii) the designated percentage of policy value, subject to our approval. In the event you are diagnosed as a permanent mentally incapacitated person, upon application by the designated recipient, the designated recipient may receive payment equal to your designated percentage of policy value, subject to our approval, applicable laws and our prevailing rules and conditions.

  • You must also be the insured at the time of application to designate a designated recipient and the designated percentage of policy value, and at the time application is made by the designated recipient for payment under this option.
  • The designated recipient must be your spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, or any other relationship as approved by us.
  • The designated percentage chosen by you cannot be less than 10% or more than 100% of the policy value (such policy value includes the guaranteed cash value, the latest cash values of non-guaranteed Reversionary Bonus (if any) and Terminal Bonus (if any), and any value in the Bonus Lock-in Account(if applicable)). The minimum and maximum designated percentages are subject to change at our sole discretion and are subject to our prevailing rules and regulations.
  • A "mentally incapacitated person” means a person who is incapable, by reason of mental incapacity (as defined under the Mental Health Ordinance, Cap. 136 Laws of Hong Kong SAR or under Article 122 of the Macau Civil Code, depending on the place where the policy is issued), of managing and administering his/her property and affairs. The diagnosis must be supported by 2 registered medical practitioners who are psychiatrists or neurologists (or proof provided pursuant to applicable laws which is acceptable to us).
  • Subject to our approval, if you remain the insured, you may apply to change or remove the designated recipient or to change the designated percentage of policy value as many times as you wish before payment is made under the Mental Incapacity Option.
  • This option can only be exercised for payment once per policy.
  • The actual payment amount under this option is subject to our prevailing rules and conditions and will be calculated based on the policy value on the date of our approval of the payment. We will deduct all outstanding debt (if any) under the policy before we make the payment under the Mental Incapacity Option.
  • The payment will be made by and in the following sequence: (i) cashing out part or all of any value in the Bonus Lock-In Account (if applicable); and/or (ii) cashing out part or all of the cash value of Reversionary Bonus (if any) and the associated cash value of Terminal Bonus (if any); and/or (iii) surrender or partial surrender of the policy. Payment under this option will therefore reduce the future value of the policy.
  • If partial surrender of the policy is triggered in the course of payment under this option, the guaranteed cash value and the principal amount of the policy will be reduced. The subsequent guaranteed cash value, face values and cash values of Reversionary Bonus (if any), face values and cash values of Terminal Bonus (if any), total premiums paid or one-time premium paid (as the case may be) for the basic plan under the death benefit will all be reduced based on the reduced principal amount. Therefore, such payment will reduce the death benefit, the surrender benefit and the future value of the policy.
  • If surrender of the policy is triggered in the course of payment under this option, the policy will terminate and no death benefit will be payable.


Death Benefit

The death benefit will include the higher of:

  1. 105% of the total premiums paid or one-time premium paid (as applicable) for the basic plan; and
    1. the sum of:
      • the guaranteed cash value of the policy;
      • the face value of Reversionary Bonus (if any) in the policy; and
      • the face value of Terminal Bonus (if any) in the policy;

plus any remaining balance of the Bonus Lock-in Account (if applicable).

We will deduct all outstanding debt (if any) under the policy before we make the payment to the beneficiary.

Accidental Death Benefit

In addition to the death benefit, if the insured passes away due to a covered accident within the first year of the policy, the accidental death benefit (in policy currency) will equal to the total premiums paid or one-time premium paid (as applicable) for the basic plan. The maximum aggregate amount of the accidental death benefit with respect to the same insured under all Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 policies is RMB600,000 / GBP60,000 / US$100,000 / AUD100,000 / CAD100,000 / HK$750,000 / MOP750,000 / EUR70,000 / SGD120,000 and the benefit payable under each policy will be prorated according to its total premiums paid or one-time premium paid (as applicable) for the basic plan.


Death Benefit Settlement Option

  • During the lifetime of the insured, you can select specific benefit amounts to be paid to your beneficiary at regular intervals chosen by you, starting from your designated date^, provided that the total annual payment is equal to at least 2% of the sum of the death benefit and accidental death
  • The remaining amount of the death benefit and accidental death benefit will be left with our company to accumulate interest at a non-guaranteed interest rate determined by us, until the full amount of the death benefit and accidental death benefit has been paid to the
  • The death benefit settlement option is not available if the sum of the death benefit and accidental death benefit payable is less than US$50,000*.


^ The designated date is subject to our prevailing rules and regulations. If the insured passes away after the designated date, the first instalment payment of death benefit and accidental death benefit will be paid immediately after the claim is approved.

* If the policy is issued in a currency other than US$, the amount would be available in the respective policy currency and the prevailing exchange rate will be used to calculate the above amount.

Educational Merit Benefit


  • Specified amount will be paid by us to reward certain academic achievement.
  • The Educational Merit Benefit will only be payable once per policy throughout the policy term, subject to:
  • (i) if Policy Split Option has been exercised under the policy, Educational Merit Benefit will only be payable once under the Principal Policy and will not be paid under any of the split policies; and
  • (ii) the Educational Merit Benefit will only be payable once per policy regardless of whether Currency Exchange Option has been exercised under the policy.
    • With respect to the same insured under all Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 policies, the benefit is only payable once per life.
    • If you have changed the insured of the policy through the Change of Insured Option or Contingent Insured Option, Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 will only pay the benefit when the new insured achieves the required achievement at least 1 year after the change of insured and before age 25 of the new insured, provided Educational Merit Benefit has not yet been claimed under the policy. We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of the Educational Merit Benefit from time to time without further notice.

Extension of Grace Period Benefit


  • The ability to extend the grace period from 31 days to 365 days for payment of each premium due within 1 year starting from the premium due date.
  • Only applicable to 3 years, 5 years and 10 years premium payment terms.
  • The benefit will become payable if one of the specified events happen to the policy owner, these include (i) laid off and become involuntarily unemployed, (ii) legally married, (iii) legally divorced, (iv) his/her natural child is born, (v) adopted a child through legal means, (vi) purchased a new residential property or (vii) changed the principal location of residence#.
  • Once your application is approved, the grace period for late premium payment will be extended from 31 days up to 365 days.
  • The Extension of Grace Period Benefit is available once per policy.

Please refer to the Note for Extension of Grace Period Benefit for further details.

# I.e. the city where the policy owner lives or intends to live for 185 days or more in policy year and which is shown as the place of residence of the policy owner in our records.

Add-on Cover


  • You may select add-on plan(s) for extra protection.
    • Only applicable to 3 years, 5 years and 10 years premium payment terms.
    • All add-on plans are subject to additional premiums, underwriting and exclusions. All benefits under add-on plans will be terminated when your Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 policy terminates.

Policy Loan

  • You can borrow up to 90% of the total guaranteed cash value of the policy plus the non-guaranteed cash value of any Reversionary
  • Interest on a policy loan will be charged at a rate solely determined by


No medical examination is required for your application as long as the total annual premiums or one-time premium payment (as applicable) does not exceed the aggregate limit set for each insured, subject to our prevailing rules and regulations.

Important Information

This brochure does not contain the full terms and conditions of the policy. It is not, and does not form part of, a contract of insurance and is designed to provide an overview of the key features of this product. The precise terms and conditions of this plan are specified in the policy contract. Please refer to the policy contract for the definitions of capitalised terms, and the exact and complete terms and conditions of cover. In case you want to read policy contract sample before making an application, you can obtain a copy from AIA. This brochure should be read along with the illustrative document (if any) and other relevant marketing materials, which include additional information and important considerations about this product. We would like to remind you to review the relevant product materials provided to you and seek independent professional advice if necessary.


This brochure is for distribution in Hong Kong / Macau only.


Bonus Philosophy

This is a participating insurance plan in which we share a portion of the profits earned on it and related participating insurance plans with the policy owners. It is designed to be held long term. The premiums of a participating insurance plan will be invested in a variety of assets according to our investment strategy. The cost of policy benefits (including guaranteed and non-guaranteed benefits as specified in your plan that may be payable on death or surrender, as well as charges we make to support policy guarantees (if applicable)) and expenses will be deducted as appropriate from premiums of the participating insurance plan or from the invested assets. We aim to ensure a fair sharing of profits between policy owners and shareholders, and among different groups of policy owners. For this plan’s target profit sharing ratio between policy owners and shareholders, please visit our website at


Divisible surplus refers to profits available for distribution back to policy owners as determined by us. The divisible surplus that will be shared with policy owners will be based on the profits earned from your plan and similar plans or similar groups of policies (as determined by us from time to time by considering factors such as benefit features, policy currencies and period of policy issuance). Divisible surplus may be shared with the policy owners in the form of reversionary bonuses and terminal bonuses as specified in your policy.


We review and determine the bonus amounts payable to policy owners at least once per year. Divisible surplus depends on the investment performance of the assets which we invest in and the amounts of benefits and expenses we need to pay for the plan. It is therefore inherently uncertain. Nevertheless, we aim to deliver relatively stable bonus payments over time through a smoothing process by spreading out the gains and losses over a period of time. The actual bonuses declared may be different from those illustrated or projected in any insurance plan information provided (e.g. benefit illustrations) depending on whether the divisible surplus, past experience and / or outlook are different from what we expected. If bonuses are different from our last communication, this will be reflected in the policy anniversary statement.


A committee has been set up to provide independent advice on the determination of the bonus amounts to the Board of the Company. The committee is comprised of members from different control functions or departments within the organisation both at the AIA Group level as well as Hong Kong local level, such as office of the Chief Executive of the Company, legal, compliance, finance, investment and risk management. Each member of the committee will endeavour to exercise due care, diligence and skill in the performance of his or her duties as a member. The committee will utilise the knowledge, experience, and perspectives of each individual member to assist the Board in the discharge of its duty to make independent decisions and to manage the risk of conflict of interests, in order to ensure fair treatment between policy owners and shareholders, and among different groups of policy owners. The actual bonuses, which are recommended by the Appointed Actuary, will be decided upon the deliberation of the committee and finally approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, including one or more Independent Non-Executive Directors, and with written declaration by the Chairman of the Board, an Independent Non-Executive Director and the Appointed Actuary on the management of fair treatment between policy owners and shareholders.


To determine the bonuses of a participating policy, we consider both past experience and the future outlook of all factors including, but not limited to, the following:


Investment returns: include interest earnings, dividends and any changes in the market value of the backing assets, i.e. the assets in which we invest your premiums (after deducting the cost of policy benefits and expenses). Depending on the asset allocation adopted for the insurance plan, investment returns could be affected by fluctuations in interest income (both interest earnings and the outlook for interest rates) and various market risks, including interest rate risk, credit spread and default risk, fluctuations in listed and private equity prices, real estate prices as well as foreign exchange rates if the currency of the backing assets is different from the policy currency, etc.


Claims: include claims for death benefits and any other insured benefits under the insurance plan.


Surrenders: include policy surrenders, partial surrenders and policy lapses; and their corresponding impact on the backing assets.


Expenses: include both expenses directly related to the policy (e.g. commission, underwriting, issue and premium collection expenses) and indirect expenses allocated to the insurance plan (e.g. general administrative costs).


Some participating insurance plans allow the policy owners to place their annual dividends, guaranteed and non-guaranteed cash payments, guaranteed and non-guaranteed incomes, guaranteed and non-guaranteed annuity payments, and / or bonus and terminal dividend lock-in accounts with us, earning interest at a non-guaranteed interest rate. To determine such non-guaranteed interest rate, we consider the returns on the pool of assets in which these amounts are invested with reference to the past experience and future outlook. This pool of assets is segregated from other investments of the Company and may include bonds and other fixed income instruments.


For bonus philosophy and bonus history, please visit our website at


Investment Philosophy, Objective and Strategy

Our investment philosophy aims to deliver sustainable long-term returns in line with the insurance plan’s investment objectives and the Company’s business and financial objectives.

Our aforementioned objectives are to achieve the targeted long-term investment results while minimising volatility in investment returns to support the liabilities over time. They also aim to control and diversify risk exposures, maintain adequate liquidity and manage the assets with respect to the liabilities.

Our current long-term target strategy is to allocate assets attributed to this insurance plan as follows:

Asset Class
Target Asset Mix (%)
Bonds and
other fixed income instruments
25% - 100%
Growth assets
0% - 75%

The bonds and other fixed income instruments predominantly include government and corporate bonds and are mainly invested in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Asia-Pacific. Growth assets may include listed equity, equity mutual funds, physical real estate, real estate funds, private equity funds and private credit funds, and are mainly invested in the United States, Asia-Pacific and Europe. Growth assets generally have a higher long-term expected return than bonds and fixed income assets but may be more volatile in the short term. The range of target asset mix may be different for different participating insurance plans. Our investment strategy is to actively manage the investment portfolio i.e. adjust the asset mix dynamically over a range that can be wider than the target range in response to the external market conditions and the financial condition of the participating business. For example, there may be a smaller proportion of growth assets when interest rates are low and a larger proportion of growth assets when interest rates are high. When interest rates are low, the proportion of growth assets may be even smaller than the long-term target strategy, so as to allow us to minimise volatility in investment returns and to protect our ability to pay the guaranteed benefits under the insurance plans, whereas the proportion of the growth assets may be even larger than the long-term target strategy when interest rates are high to allow for the possibility that we may share more investment opportunities in growth assets with the policy owners.

Subject to our investment objectives, we may use a material amount of derivatives (such as through pre-investing partly or fully expected future premiums) to manage our investment risk exposure and for matching between assets and liabilities, for example, the effects of changes in interest rates may be moderated while allowing for more flexibility in asset allocation.

Our general currency strategy is to minimise currency mismatches for bonds and other fixed income instruments. For these investments, our current practice is to endeavour to currency-match asset purchases with the currency of the underlying policy (e.g. US Dollar assets will be used to back US Dollar insurance plans). However, subject to market availability and opportunity, bonds or other fixed income instruments may be invested in a currency other than the currency of the underlying policy and currency swaps may be used to minimise the currency risks. Currently assets are mainly invested in US dollars / the denominated currency. Growth assets may be invested in a currency other than the currency of the underlying policy and the selection of the currency is made according to our investment philosophy, investment objectives and mandate.

We will pool similar participating insurance plans for investment to determine the return and we will then allocate the return to specific participating insurance plans with reference to their target asset mix. Actual investments (e.g. geographical mix, currency mix) would depend on market opportunities at the time of purchase, hence may be different from the target asset mix.

The investment strategy is subject to change depending on the market conditions and economic outlook. Should there be any material changes in the investment strategy, we will inform policy owners of the changes, with underlying reasons and expected impact to the bonuses.



Key Product Risks

  1. You should pay premium(s) on time and according to the selected premium payment schedule. If you stop paying the premium before completion of the premium payment term, you may surrender the policy, otherwise, the premium will be covered by a loan taken out on the policy automatically. When the loan balance exceeds the sum of guaranteed cash value and cash value of Reversionary Bonus (if any) of the basic plan, the policy will be terminated and you will lose the cover. The surrender value of the policy will be used to repay the loan balance, and we will refund any remaining value.
  2. The plan may make certain portion of its investment in growth assets. Returns of growth assets are generally more volatile than bonds and other fixed income instruments, you should note the target asset mix of the product as disclosed in this product brochure, which will affect the bonus on the product. The savings component of the plan is subject to risks and possible loss. Should you surrender the policy early, you may receive an amount considerably less than the total amount of premiums paid.
  3. For one-time premium payment policy, they are subject to higher investment return volatility and thus are expected to have higher volatility on the bonuses payable, as compared to policies with a 3-year premium payment term, a 5-year premium payment term or a 10-year premium payment term which can benefit from cost averaging effect.
  4. You may request for the termination of your policy by notifying us in written notice. Also, we will terminate your policy and you / the insured will lose the cover when one of the following happens:
    • the insured passes away, except when the contingent insured becomes the new insured;
    • you do not pay the premium within 31 days (or up to 365 days under the Extension of Grace Period Benefit) of the due date and the policy has no cash value (only applicable for a 3-year premium payment, a 5-year premium payment or a 10-year premium payment policy); or
    • the outstanding debt exceeds the guaranteed cash value plus the non-guaranteed cash value of the Reversionary Bonus (if any) of the policy.
  5. We underwrite the plan and you are subject to our credit risk. If we are unable to satisfy the financial obligations of the policy, you may lose your premium paid and benefits.
  6. You are subject to exchange rate risks for plans denominated in currencies other than the local currency. Exchange rates fluctuate from time to time. You may suffer a loss of your benefit values and the subsequent premium payments (if any) may be higher than your initial premium payment as a result of exchange rate fluctuations. You should consider the exchange rate risks and decide whether to take such risks.
  7. In case the policy currency is changed under the Currency Exchange Option, by exchanging your plan (i.e. Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3) to the latest plan under the Global Power Series at the time of when you exercise the option, the adjustments on policy value may be significant (either positive or negative) and the amount of policy value after exercising the Currency Exchange Option may be considerably less than the total amount of premiums paid. Any future premiums will be adjusted if the Currency Exchange Option is exercised within the premium payment term. The approval of Currency Exchange Option's application and the availability of currency at the time of exercising the Currency Exchange Option will be subject to the prevailing laws and regulations.

    Please note that there could be a material difference between your plan and the latest plan available under the Global Power Series at the time when you exercise the Currency Exchange Option. Material difference includes but not limited to:
    •product features (i.e. benefits, policy terms and conditions, investment strategy, target asset mix and relevant investment return and limitation); and
    •the availability of Currency Exchange Option, and in a worst case scenario, it may only be a one-time option under your plan depending on the future new plan’s features.

    You shall not purchase this product solely for the Currency Exchange Option. 

    Please carefully evaluate the difference between the current plan and the latest plan under the Global Power Series available for exchange when you exercise the Currency Exchange Option and consider whether the latest plan suits your needs.

  8. When applying for the Bonus Unlock Option, a new benefit illustration must be signed and the application cannot be withdrawn once submitted. After exercising the Bonus Unlock Option, the unlocked part will be subject to the risk of higher investment return volatility because the latest value in the Bonus Lock-in Account will be unlocked as non-guaranteed Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus. The cash value of Reversionary Bonus, cash value and face value of Terminal Bonus may be adjusted over our declarations at least once per year and amount in each declaration may be greater or less than the previous amount based on a number of factors, including but not limited to investment returns and general market volatility. Even if you are dissatisfied with the investment return after exercising the Bonus Unlock Option, the unlock amount which is transferred as Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus cannot be reversed to the original value under the Bonus Lock-in Account. You may apply for the Bonus Lock-in Option again at least 1year later and such action cannot offset any loss you may suffer after exercising the Bonus Unlock Option.

  9. Your current planned benefit may not be sufficient to meet your future needs since the future cost of living may become higher than they are today due to inflation. Where the actual rate of inflation is higher than expected, you may receive less in real terms even if we meet all of our contractual obligations.
  10. As the cash value of Reversionary Bonus is non-guaranteed, there may be a risk of overloan when there is adjustment on the cash value of Reversionary Bonus. Loan repayment within one month is required when there is an overloan, otherwise your policy will be terminated and you or the insured may lose the cover.
  11. The total IRR and projected breakeven year illustrated in this brochure are non-guaranteed and are based on the Company's bonus scales determined under current assumed investment return. The actual total IRR and projected breakeven year may be based on several factors (including but not limited to investment returns, expenses, claims, surrenders, timing and frequency of exercising the Currency Exchange Option and Bonus Unlock Option) and may be less favourable or longer (as the case maybe) than those illustrated. In the worst scenario, the actual total IRR can be equal to the guaranteed IRR. There can be variance for IRR and breakeven year under different premium payment term, policy currency options and different plans under the Global Power Series since they are totally independent. For IRR and breakeven year of Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 policies with different plan options, please refer to relevant benefit illustrations. The total IRR of Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 for specific policy currency is not indicative of future performance of future plans under the Global Power Series.
  12. The designated family member under the Mental Incapacity Option may receive payment for one time per policy. Payment made under the Mental Incapacity Option will reduce the surrender benefit and the future value of your policy, and may also reduce the death benefit of your policy. Any payment made under this option cannot be reversed or cancelled, you are reminded to consider carefully before exercising this option and shall assess and understand any potential financial impact to you.


Key Exclusions to Accidental Death Benefit

Accidental Death Benefit will not cover any conditions that result from any of the following:



The above list is for reference only. Please refer to the policy contract of this plan for the complete list and details of exclusions.


Note for Mental Incapacity Option

The existing designated recipient will be automatically revoked when one of the following happens:


  1. you designate a new designated recipient and it is approved by us; or
  2. any change of policy owner or change of insured.


If we are notified or become aware that there is a guardian or committee appointed under the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap. 136 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (or a guardian or committee appointed under similar laws in the place where the policy is issued), or an attorney appointed by the policy owner pursuant to an enduring power of attorney covering the policy, then this Mental Incapacity Option will be cancelled and revoked and we will not make any payment under this option, unless we have received the written consent of such guardian, committee or attorney (as the case may be) for us to make such payment to the designated recipient. If we are notified or become aware that such guardian, committee or attorney has been appointed only after we have paid the designated recipient, we will not be liable to pay such guardian, committee, attorney or any other person under this option.


If there is (or in our reasonable belief there is) a dispute between the designated recipient and any other person, including but not limited to the guardian, committee, attorney, or beneficiary(ies), or if we may incur liability as a result of us making payment under this option, we reserve the right to withhold the payment under this option until such dispute or matter is resolved.


In the event of the death of the insured or the death of the designated recipient, no payment will be paid under the Mental Incapacity Option.


Note for Extension of Grace Period Benefit

The Extension of Grace Period Benefit will cease on the earliest of the following dates:


  1. at the end of extended grace period,
  2. in the case of Involuntary Unemployment, you fail to provide proof of continuous status of unemployment upon our request,
  3. the date on which the policy owner has been changed,
  4. the date on which any claims on waiver of premium under your basic plan is approved,
  5. at the end of premium payment term of your basic plan,
  6. the date when any withdrawals or claims of your basic plan and / or add-on plans is made, if the premium payment mode after the payment of benefits is not monthly, and,
  7. the date when you pay all outstanding premiums.
In the case of Involuntary Unemployment under the Extension of Grace Period Benefit, you must be employed under a continuous contract for not less than 24 months and be eligible for a severance payment upon termination under the employment or labour laws of Hong Kong or Macau (according to the place of policy issuance) prior to the involuntary unemployment. Further, such employment cannot be self-employment, employment by a family member (including spouse, parent, grandparent, child or grandchild) or employment as a domestic servant. The Extension of Grace Period Benefit starts on the premium due date at the time when we approve your claim and continues for up to 365 days. Proof of continuous unemployment is required by you upon our request. The Extension of Grace Period Benefit is not available if you were informed of your pending involuntary unemployment on or before the issue date or commencement date of the policy, whichever is later.


Claim for Extension of Grace Period Benefit must be submitted within the specific time.
The Extension of Grace Period Benefit could only be claimed once per policy and relevant proof is required. The approval of the Extension of Grace Period Benefit is subject to our prevailing rules and regulations, and the handling of policy during the extended grace period will be subject to our discretion.


Claim Procedure
If you wish to make a claim, you must send us the appropriate forms and relevant proof. You can get the appropriate claim forms in, from your financial planner, by calling the AIA Customer Hotline (852) 2232 8888 in Hong Kong or by visiting any AIA Customer Service Centre. For details related to making a claim, please refer to the policy contract. If you wish to know more about claim related matter, you may visit “File A Claim” section under our company website


If the insured commits suicide within 1 year from the date on which the policy takes effect, our liability will be limited to the refund of premiums paid (without interest) less any outstanding debt.


After exercising the Change of Insured Option or upon the contingent insured becoming the new insured, if the new insured commits suicide within 1 year from the effective date of change as recorded by us, our liability will be limited to the refund of premiums paid (without interest) or the sum of guaranteed cash value, cash value of Reversionary Bonus (if any), cash value of Terminal Bonus (if any) and any remaining balance of the Bonus Lock-in Account as at the date the new insured passes away, whichever is higher, less any outstanding debt.



Except for fraud or non-payment of premiums, we will not contest the validity of this policy after it has been in force during the lifetime of the insured for a continuous period of two years from the date on which the policy takes effect. This provision does not apply to any add-on plan providing accident, hospitalisation or disability benefits. After exercising the Change of Insured Option or upon the contingent insured becoming the new insured, such two-year period will be counted again starting from the effective date of change as recorded by us.



Warning Statement and Cancellation Right (Applicable to Principal Policy)

Global Power Multi-Currency Plan 3 is an insurance plan with a savings element. Part of the premium pays for the insurance and related costs. If you are not happy with your policy, you have a right to cancel it within the cooling-off period and obtain a refund of any premiums and levy paid. A written notice signed by you should be received by the Customer Service Centre of AIA International Limited at 12/F, AIA Tower, 183 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong within the cooling-off period (that is, 21 calendar days immediately following either the day of delivery of the policy or cooling-off notice (informing you / your nominated representative about the availability of the policy and expiry date of the cooling-off period, whichever is earlier)). After the expiration of the cooling-off period, if you cancel the policy before the end of the term, the projected total cash value may be substantially less than the total premium you have paid.


Important Notes from the Insurance Agent of The Bank of East Asia, Limited

  1. Liquidity risk – this insurance plan is designed to be held long term. You should only apply for this insurance plan if it is intended to pay the premium for the whole of the premium payment term. If you fail to pay the premium for the whole of the premium payment term, this will cause the policy to lapse or to be terminated earlier than the original benefit term, and the total surrender value (if any) that get back by you may be less than the total premiums paid.
  2. Risk from surrender – if you cancel the policy before the end of the benefit term, you may suffer a significant loss, and the total surrender value received may be substantially less than the total premiums paid.
  3. Non-guaranteed bonus scales – non-guaranteed benefits are based on the bonus scales of AIA determined under current assumed investment return. The actual amount payable may change anytime with the values being higher or lower than those being projected. In other words, a change in the current assumed investment return will affect the reversionary bonus and terminal bonus you will receive. Under some circumstances, the non-guaranteed benefits may be zero.
  4. Risk relating to RMB insurance products – The value of RMB is subject to the fluctuation of its exchange rate. There may be exchange rate loss suffered by you due to such fluctuation if you convert RMB into other currencies (including Hong Kong Dollars).
    [For personal customer] – RMB is currently not completely freely convertible. Personal customers can be offered to conduct conversion of RMB by the bank using offshore rates and may occasionally not be able to do so fully or immediately as it is subject to the RMB position and market conditions at that time.  
    [For corporate customer] – RMB is currently not completely freely convertible.  Corporate customers can be offered to conduct conversion of RMB by the bank using offshore rates or onshore rates depending on the objective of conversion and may occasionally not be able to conduct fully or immediately as it is subject to the RMB position and market conditions at that time. 
    You should understand and consider the possible impact on the liquidity of RMB funds. The exchange rate for the offshore RMB market in Hong Kong may be at a premium or discount when compared to the onshore market in People’s Republic of China and there may be significant bid and offer spreads.