Foreign Currency Notes Exchange Rates

(as of: 20/04/2024 15:20)
Currency Unit Bank Buy Bank Sell
Australian Dollar (AUD) 100 496.4000 509.4000
Canadian Dollar (CAD) 100 564.7000 575.6000
Euro (EUR) 1 8.2770 8.4240
Japanese Yen (JPY) 10,000 501.7000 513.4000
New Zealand Dollar (NZD) 100 454.9000 468.6000
Offshore Renminbi (CNH) 100 107.3000 108.8000
Onshore Renminbi (CNY) 100 107.6000 108.8000
Pound Sterling (GBP) 1 9.5900 9.8150
Singapore Dollar (SGD) 100 569.5000 580.6000
Swiss Franc (CHF) 100 853.6000 866.9000
Thai Baht (THB) 100 20.3000 22.7000
US Dollar - Big Notes (USD) 100 780.9000 786.5000
US Dollar - Small Notes (USD) 100 780.6000 787.9000

The exchanges rates above are provided solely for reference purposes. The actual exchange rate for each transaction will be determined by the Bank at the time such transaction is effected and may be subject to fees and charges and/or additional mark-up depending on the banking services selected by the customer and the actual operating cost of the Bank incurred in the process.
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