The Bank of East Asia

Insurance, MPF & Trust


Catering Industry
Under the Industry Scheme, the catering industry covers holders of food business licences or permits under the Food Business Regulation, canteens at schools and workplace and catering establishments inside clubs. The following are examples of catering establishments:

  1. Food factories, milk factories, frozen confection factories and bakeries
  2. Restaurants
  3. Factory canteens
  4. "Siu Mei" or "Lo Mei" shops
  5. Cold stores
  6. Fresh provision shops
  7. Cooked food stalls operating in public markets
  8. Cooked food stalls which are granted hawker licences
  9. Chinese herb tea shops

Construction Industry
The construction industry covers the following eight major categories:

  1. Foundation and associated works
  2. Civil engineering and associated works
  3. Demolition and structural alteration works
  4. Refurbishment and maintenance works
  5. General building construction works
  6. Fire services, mechanical, electrical and associated works
  7. Gas, plumbing, drainage and associated works
  8. Interior fitting out works