Contact Us

Contact Us

Thank you for visiting the website of The Bank of East Asia, Singapore Branch. If you require any further information on our services or have any suggestions about our Bank, please fill in the form below. We will process your request or suggestion as soon as possible. However, please do not include any transaction instructions in your message.

Please read our Disclaimer and Privacy Statement before submitting your message.

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Please click on this box if you wish to receive information about our products or services ("the information") and we will use the contact details you provided above to supply you with the information.

The Bank of East Asia, Singapore Branch aims to respond to you as soon as possible but should you have concerns that have not been addressed satisfactorily to your expectations despite The Bank of East Asia, Singapore Branch's best efforts, you may consider seeking assistance from The Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC).

At present, FIDReC's services are available to all consumers who are individuals or sole-proprietors. The jurisdiction of FIDReC in adjudicating disputes between banks and consumers is up to S$150,000 per claim.

For more information please refer to FIDReC website.

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