The Bank of East Asia

Investment Services

BEA Securities Services App

BEA Mobile Trading

The BEA Securities Services App gives you immediate access to the stock market through an easy-to-use interface, allowing you to seize trading opportunities on the go!

Real-time stock quotes

Identify market patterns and explore new trading opportunities with real-time streaming charts.

Immediate SMS confirmation

Receive a notification after every trading action to ensure the highest level of security.

Stock portfolio

Check your portfolio summary at a glance and manage your stocks with a single tap on the screen.

Stock market insights

Avoid the hassle of wading through multiple websites and applications – get aggregated Hong Kong stock market information directly through our app wherever you are, whenever you need.



View the BEA Securities App User Manual here!

Get the App as a free download now:

App Store Download          Google Play Download 

Customer Service Hotline: 2211 1333

Risk Disclosure

Investment involves risks. The prices of securities may move up or down, and may become valueless. There is an inherent risk that you may incur losses rather than gain profit as a result of buying and selling securities.

Information contained herein is for reference only. It does not constitute any offer, solicitation, or recommendation for the purchase or sale of any investment products or the provision of investment services.