The Bank of East Asia

Insurance, MPF & Trust

Comprehensive MPF Service

Scheme members are entitled to comprehensive MPF services. MPF enquiries can be made through BEA branches, SupremeGold Centres and i-Financial Centres as well as various electronic channels.

No joining fee is required for opening a personal account and you will be entitled to various banking services.

Periodical Investment Seminar
Organise investment seminars periodically for Members to review the fund performance.

BEA Online and BEA Mobile
Members can enquire about contribution details and fund prices, and change their investment choices via BEA Online's internet channel and BEA Mobile Application (iPhone and Android).

BEA (MPF) Hotline
Our professionally trained Customer Service Officers are always available to answer your MPF enquiries.

Comprehensive Benefits Statement
Members will receive benefits statement showing personal contribution records and account summary.

Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet
Members will receive bilingual Fund Fact Sheet covering market overview, detailed fund performance and MPF updates.

Banking Privileges
Members will be entitled to enjoy the exclusive privileges.

Automatic Teller Machine
An extensive network of Jetco (ATM) machines spreading throughout the territories let Members make MPF enquiries such as fund balance, last contribution, etc.

Flexible Investment Choices
Members can make unlimited fund switching instruction and change of investment mandate free of charge.