Online Document Submission - Account Opening Application

To facilitate smooth processing of your corporate account opening application, please upload documents as per Document Upload Guideline below. You may visit our bank website to submit documents at later stage by inputting your application reference number.

* Mandatory Field
Please input Registered Business Name
Invalid Registered Business Name
Please select Document Type
Please enter Business Registration No. or Certificate of Incorporation No. or Other Registration Document No.
Incorrect input. Please enter again
Please enter Business Registration No.
Please enter Certificate of Incorporation No.
Please enter Other Registration Document No.
Please input Email Address
Please input valid Email Address
Please enter Application Reference No.
Incorrect input. Please enter Application Reference No. again


File size limited to 10 MB per document
Accepted formats: jpg, pdf, png, tif, gif
HKID/Passport/Other Identification Document copy should be enlarged to 200% using a lighter colour mode
File Name can only contain English, numeric characters or specific symbols including -_@#$%&()

Too Dark
Too Bright
Has excessive light reflection
Does not aligned horizontally

Please click here to check Documents Required to Open Corporate Accounts

Please upload documents here

(A maximum of 3 documents can be uploaded each time)

Please upload documents here

(A maximum of 2 documents can be uploaded each time)

Please upload documents here

(A maximum of 3 documents can be uploaded each time)

Please upload documents here

(A maximum of 5 documents can be uploaded each time)

Please upload documents here

(A maximum of 5 documents can be uploaded each time)

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